Our pre-training classes provide children from the age of 6 with comprehensive preparation for a professional dance career. The training focuses on classical ballet but also includes various dance styles. Children must be prepared to attend classes four times a week for about 3 hours each time. A screening is required for admission.
Professionelle Vorausbildung in Ballett für Kinder ab 6 Jahren. Intensives Trainingsprogramm nach der russischen Waganowa Methode.
Hobbyklassen nach eigens entwickeltem System basierend auf der russischen Schule für Tänzer und Tänzerinnen aller Levels ab 6 Jahren.
Kindertanz ist eine wunderbare Möglichkeit für Kinder, sich durch spielerische Bewegung und kreative Ausdrucksformen entfalten und ihre Freude an der Musik entdecken zu können.
Zeitgenössische Tanzstile für Kinder ab 8 Jahren zu beliebten und modernen Musik-Tracks.
Ein sportliches Trainingsprogramm für Kids ab 6 Jahren mit Elementen aus der Gymnastik mit Einsatz von Bällen, Seilen und Co.
Our academy offers a comprehensive and professional training program for aspiring dancers and ballet teachers. Here is an overview of the different training paths and requirements:
In our pre-training classes, we work according to the high standards of the Vaganova Academy but offer children from the age of 6 the opportunity to prepare for a professional dance career. The pre-training thoroughly prepares children for future professional training by providing versatile training and instruction in various dance styles, with a focus still on classical ballet.
Requirements for Pre-Training:
Application: A screening is required to be admitted to the pre-training. Interested parents can fill out the application form to schedule an audition.
Our professional training to become a stage dancer can be completed in three years and includes the option to also become a ballet teacher. This training prepares students for a career on stage and includes training in various dance styles such as modern dance and classical ballet.
Requirements for Training:
Our training to become a ballet teacher is aimed at those pursuing a career as a ballet instructor. Basic ballet knowledge and teaching experience must be demonstrated. Career changers are also welcome to pursue ballet teacher training.
Requirements for Ballet Teacher Training:
For all training programs, it is recommended to apply early and complete the application form to schedule an audition or screening. We look forward to welcoming talented and dedicated dancers and teachers to our academy!
Your Boutique Fitness and Dance Studio
For annual contracts, we offer a satisfaction guarantee within one month of purchase.
Add value to your workouts! For a small fee, you can also join online and never miss a session!
Choose your class each time – switch and try a new one! With our memberships, you decide which class will be next.
Even if you are completely new to ballet or fitness, we will professionally guide you through our training sessions in small groups!
Akademie Klasse 1
Akademie Klasse 2
Akademie Klasse 3
Session cards
Akademie Klasse 1
Akademie Klasse 2
Akademie Klasse 3
Session cards
Register via our contact button, by phone or on site and come along for a trial lesson.
A trial lesson costs 15 €.
You can join the courses at any time!
At lunchtime, from 12-14 o’clock, we offer you 30 min sessions, which you can also attend individually or combine with each other!
How to stay fit during your lunch break!
Our studio is regularly open according to the course schedule, except on public holidays, 2-week winter and summer closures.
Register via our contact button, by phone or on site and come along for a trial lesson. A trial lesson costs 15 €. You can join the courses at any time!
At lunchtime, from 12-14 o’clock, we offer you 30 min sessions, which you can also attend individually or combine with each other!
How to stay fit during your lunch break!
Our studio is regularly open according to the course schedule, except on public holidays, 2-week winter and summer closures.
Useful links
Contact us
Social media and surveys
BalletBoutique - all rights reserved 2024
Diese dreijährige Ausbildung bereitet die Schüler auf eine Karriere als Bühnentänzer vor und umfasst die Möglichkeit, sich zusätzlich zum Ballettpädagogen weiterzubilden. Die Ausbildung bietet Training in verschiedenen Tanzstilen und die Möglichkeit, an europäischen Partnerinstitutionen und in Tanzkompanien aufzutreten. Bewerber sollten die Schulausbildung abgeschlossen haben und unter 24 Jahre alt sein.
Die Ausbildung zum Ballettpädagogen richtet sich an diejenigen, die eine Karriere im Unterrichten von Ballett anstreben. Voraussetzung sind grundlegende Ballettkenntnisse und Unterrichtserfahrung. Auch Quereinsteiger haben die Möglichkeit, diese Ausbildung zu absolvieren.
This three-year program prepares students for a career as a stage dancer and includes the option to further train as a ballet teacher. The training offers instruction in various dance styles and opportunities to perform at partner institutions and dance companies across Europe. Applicants should have completed their school education and be under 24 years old.
The ballet teacher training is aimed at those pursuing a career in teaching ballet. Basic ballet knowledge and teaching experience are required. Career changers are also welcome to apply for this training.
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15:00 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr
10:00 Uhr bis 15:00 Uhr
Gunzostraße 9, 61352 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe