B-Barre is an innovative fitness concept that combines the essence of classical ballet with modern barre techniques. This course brings back the traditional principles of ballet, focusing on correcting posture and improving flexibility and mobility.
The training centers on activating and strengthening the deep, inner muscles to define and enhance the body’s shape—without building excessive muscle mass as in bodybuilding. Instead, the goal is to achieve a lean, elegant, and strong body that embodies the lightness and grace of ballet.
Supported by invigorating music and a variety of equipment such as resistance bands, weights, balls, and sliders, the workout becomes a dynamic and motivating experience both at the barre and on the mat. B-Barre offers a comprehensive workout that engages both body and mind, helping to develop a powerful and graceful posture.
This course is ideal for anyone looking for a combination of ballet and functional training to improve their posture, flexibility, and strength. It is suitable for:
Fitness Enthusiasts: People seeking an intense yet graceful workout that sculpts the body and strengthens the inner muscles without focusing on excessive muscle mass.
This course not only enhances overall fitness but also specifically supports progress in ballet. By focusing on strengthening the essential muscles for ballet—particularly the deep core muscles, leg and foot muscles, and the muscles around the hips—technical skills and movement quality are improved. The foot muscles, in particular, are intensively developed and engaged in all B-Barre movements to create long, lean muscles, resulting in an elegant, toned body.
This course is also suitable for teenagers aged 14 and up who wish to strengthen their ballet foundations while building their physical fitness. B-Barre serves as the perfect complement to classical ballet training by providing the physical foundation for continuous progress.
The B-Barre training is structured and versatile, designed to effectively train the entire body while establishing a strong connection to ballet technique. The training is divided as follows:
Unser absoluter Renner! Für alle die Fitness mit Stil und effektiven Einheiten verbinden möchten. B-Barre bietet mehr als nur Training – werde jetzt zum Designer Deines Körpers!
Ganz gleich ob Anfänger oder bereits Fortgeschritten, wir haben für jedes Level den passenden Kurs.
Einstieg jederzeit möglich!
Es war schon immer ein Traum von Dir Spagat zu lernen?
Wir dehnen mit Dir über Deine Grenzen hinaus!
Sanfte und dennoch sehr effektive Methode zur Stärkung der Muskulatur ausgehend von der Körpermitte und deren effektiver Belastung.
Funktionelles Yoga-Programm kombiniert mit dem besten Wissen aus Ballett für geschmeidige Gelenke und kräftige Muskeln.
Your Boutique Fitness and Dance Studio
For annual contracts, we offer a satisfaction guarantee within one month of purchase.
Add value to your workouts! For a small fee, you can also join online and never miss a session!
Choose your class each time – switch and try a new one! With our memberships, you decide which class will be next.
Even if you are completely new to ballet or fitness, we will professionally guide you through our training sessions in small groups!
Akademie Klasse 1
Akademie Klasse 2
Akademie Klasse 3
Session cards
Akademie Klasse 1
Akademie Klasse 2
Akademie Klasse 3
Session cards
Register via our contact button, by phone or on site and come along for a trial lesson.
A trial lesson costs 15 €.
You can join the courses at any time!
At lunchtime, from 12-14 o’clock, we offer you 30 min sessions, which you can also attend individually or combine with each other!
How to stay fit during your lunch break!
Our studio is regularly open according to the course schedule, except on public holidays, 2-week winter and summer closures.
Register via our contact button, by phone or on site and come along for a trial lesson. A trial lesson costs 15 €. You can join the courses at any time!
At lunchtime, from 12-14 o’clock, we offer you 30 min sessions, which you can also attend individually or combine with each other!
How to stay fit during your lunch break!
Our studio is regularly open according to the course schedule, except on public holidays, 2-week winter and summer closures.
Useful links
Contact us
Social media and surveys
BalletBoutique - all rights reserved 2024
Dieser Kurs ist für alle Fitnessniveaus geeignet, da die Übungen individuell an die unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse und Fähigkeiten der Teilnehmer angepasst werden können.
3. Übungen in der Mitte: Im Anschluss an die Stangenübungen geht es in die Mitte des Raumes. Hier werden die Bewegungen komplexer, da der Körper ohne Unterstützung der Stange arbeiten muss. Der Fokus liegt auf Balance, Stabilität und der Aktivierung der tiefen Muskulatur, um die Anmut und Kraft in den Bewegungen weiter zu entwickeln.
4. Training auf der Matte: Im letzten aktiven Teil des Trainings wird auf der Matte gearbeitet. Hier werden gezielte Kräftigungsübungen für den gesamten Körper ausgeführt, insbesondere für den Kern, die Beine und die Füße. Diese Phase hilft, die Muskulatur weiter zu definieren und eine schlanke, kräftige Silhouette zu formen.
5. Cool Down und Dehnung: Das Training endet mit einem beruhigenden Cool Down, das aus sanften Dehnübungen besteht. Diese fördern die Flexibilität, reduzieren Muskelverspannungen und helfen dem Körper, nach dem intensiven Training zu entspannen und zu regenerieren.
Diese Gliederung sorgt dafür, dass der Körper umfassend trainiert wird, wobei jede Phase auf die vorherige aufbaut und so ein ausgewogenes, effektives Workout entsteht.
This course is suitable for all fitness levels, as the exercises can be individually adapted to meet the varying needs and abilities of the participants.
This structure ensures a comprehensive workout where each phase builds on the previous one, creating a balanced and effective training experience.
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15:00 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr
10:00 Uhr bis 15:00 Uhr
Gunzostraße 9, 61352 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe