
BalletBoutique Company

Welcome to BalletBoutique Company, where a passion for ballet meets excellent training and professional stage artistry. Our ballet company offers talented children from the age of six as well as adults the opportunity to cultivate their passion for ballet and participate in regular performances. Our goal is to support both aspiring and experienced dancers and give them the chance to prove themselves in large stage productions.

Goals of Our Concept:

Talent Development

We assist children and adults in discovering and developing their dance abilities by providing access to high-quality instruction and professional dance techniques.

Professional Stage Productions

By participating in elaborate and artistically demanding productions, we offer our dancers the chance to showcase their skills on stage and gain valuable performance experience.

Integration of Experienced and Emerging Dancers

Our concept promotes collaboration between seasoned dancers and young talents to create a creative and inspiring learning environment.

Regular Performances

We organize regular performances where our dancers can display their skills and establish themselves in the world of professional ballet.

Open Doors for All

Participants from other ballet schools are warmly invited to join our company and take part in our projects.

Goals of our concept

Talent Development

We assist children and adults in discovering and developing their dance abilities by providing access to high-quality instruction and professional dance techniques.

Professional Stage Productions

By participating in elaborate and artistically demanding productions, we offer our dancers the chance to showcase their skills on stage and gain valuable performance experience.

Integration of Experienced and Emerging Dancers:

Our concept promotes collaboration between seasoned dancers and young talents to create a creative and inspiring learning environment.

Regular Performances

We organize regular performances where our dancers can display their skills and establish themselves in the world of professional ballet.

Open Doors for All

Participants from other ballet schools are warmly invited to join our company and take part in our projects.

Casting Invitation

We look forward to discovering new talents! Applicants interested in joining our ballet company are warmly invited to apply for our casting. Please fill out the application form below and send it back to us.

We are excited about your application and look forward to potentially welcoming you to our ballet company soon!

Dance Styles at BalletBoutique Company

At BalletBoutique Company, we offer a diverse range of dance styles, all grounded in the classical Russian ballet tradition. Our dancers have the opportunity to explore and excel in various styles, broadening their artistic repertoire. The main dance styles practiced in our company are:

  1. Modern Dance: This style combines elements of classical ballet with innovative and experimental movement approaches. Modern Dance often breaks with tradition to explore new forms of expression and movement qualities. Our dancers learn techniques that focus on freedom of movement and individual expression to create dynamic and emotionally engaging performances.

Who Can Apply to BalletBoutique Company?

BalletBoutique Company offers talented dancers of all ages the opportunity to become part of our dynamic and creative team. The requirements for applying are as follows:

  1. Children: Applications are welcome from children aged six and up who participate in ballet classes at least twice a week. This ensures that young dancers have the necessary experience and technique to contribute successfully to our productions.
  2. Adults: Adult dancers may apply if they have attended ballet classes regularly for at least two years. This ensures that applicants have a solid foundation and experience in ballet to handle our demanding productions.
  1. Contemporary: Der Contemporary Dance ist bekannt für seine Vielseitigkeit und Flexibilität. Er umfasst eine breite Palette von Techniken und Stilen, die sowohl klassische als auch moderne Elemente integrieren. Bei uns lernen die Tänzer, Grenzen zu überschreiten und einzigartige Bewegungsphrasen zu entwickeln, die sowohl innovativ als auch technisch anspruchsvoll sind. Contemporary Dance legt großen Wert auf persönliche Ausdruckskraft und kreative Freiheit.
  2. Charaktertanz: Dieser Stil bringt die Vielfalt und Dynamik traditioneller Tänze aus verschiedenen Kulturen und Epochen auf die Bühne.  Charaktertanz zeichnet sich durch lebhafte, ausdrucksstarke Bewegungen aus, die oft dramatische oder komödiantische Charaktere darstellen. Unsere Tänzer lernen, sich in verschiedene Rollen und Stile hineinzuversetzen, um ein breites Spektrum an Emotionen und Geschichten zu vermitteln.
  3. Klassische Produktionen: Auf der Grundlage des klassischen Russischen Balletts präsentieren wir zeitlose und elegante Stücke, die die klassische Technik und Ästhetik bewahren. Die Tänzer üben sich in den traditionellen Schritten und Stilen des klassischen Balletts und erleben die Schönheit und Disziplin der großen Meisterwerke, die die Grundlage des Ballettrepertoires bilden.

Durch die Kombination dieser Stile auf der Basis des klassischen Russischen Balletts bieten wir unseren Tänzern eine umfassende Ausbildung, die sowohl technische Fertigkeiten als auch kreative Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten fördert. Unser Ziel ist es, vielseitige Tänzer zu entwickeln, die sich sicher und inspiriert in verschiedenen Tanzstilen bewegen können.


  • Video: Zur Bewerbung genügt ein Video von etwa 10 Minuten Länge, in dem die Arbeit an der Stange gezeigt wird. Das Video sollte die grundlegenden Techniken und Fähigkeiten demonstrieren, die für die Teilnahme an unserer Company erforderlich sind.
  • Teilnahme am Training: Um Teil der Company zu werden, ist es erforderlich, mindestens einmal wöchentlich am Company Training teilzunehmen. Dies ist wichtig, um die Kontinuität und das technische Niveau in unseren Produktionen aufrechtzuerhalten.

Verpflichtungen und Vertragsbedingungen:

  • Jahresvertrag: Für das Training in der Company ist der Abschluss eines Jahresvertrags notwendig. Der Besuch der Ballettschule BalletBoutique ist jedoch nicht zwingend erforderlich. Teilnehmer können sich auch nur für bestimmte Aufführungen oder Projekte der Company anmelden.
  • Aufführungen: Die Company führt mindestens zweimal jährlich Aufführungen durch. Die regelmäßige Teilnahme an den Trainings und Proben ist daher erforderlich, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Tänzer gut vorbereitet und einsatzfähig sind.
  • Zusammenarbeit mit renommierten Choreographen: Unsere Tänzer haben die einzigartige Gelegenheit, mit hochrangigen und renommierten Choreographen zusammenzuarbeiten. Diese Zusammenarbeit ermöglicht es unseren Mitgliedern, von den besten Fachleuten der Branche zu lernen und an innovativen und anspruchsvollen Projekten teilzunehmen.


  • Ganzjährige Bewerbungen: Bewerbungen werden ganzjährig bearbeitet, und der Eintritt wird individuell abgestimmt. Wir empfehlen, sich frühzeitig zu bewerben, um die besten Chancen auf einen Platz in unserer Company zu haben.

Wir freuen uns darauf, neue Talente kennenzulernen und möglicherweise bald mit Ihnen an spannenden Projekten und Produktionen arbeiten zu dürfen!

  1. Contemporary Dance: Contemporary Dance is known for its versatility and flexibility. It encompasses a wide range of techniques and styles that integrate both classical and modern elements. Our dancers learn to push boundaries and develop unique movement phrases that are both technically demanding and creatively liberating. Contemporary Dance emphasizes personal expression and artistic freedom.
  2. Character Dance: This style brings the diversity and dynamism of traditional dances from various cultures and eras to the stage. Character Dance is characterized by lively and expressive movements that often portray dramatic or comedic characters. Our dancers learn to embody different roles and styles to convey a broad spectrum of emotions and stories.
  3. Classical Productions: Based on the classical Russian ballet tradition, we present timeless and elegant pieces that preserve classical technique and aesthetics. Dancers practice traditional steps and styles of classical ballet, experiencing the beauty and discipline of the great masterpieces that form the core of the ballet repertoire.

By combining these styles based on classical Russian ballet, we provide our dancers with a comprehensive education that fosters both technical skills and creative expression. Our goal is to develop versatile dancers who can move confidently and inspiredly across different dance styles.

Application Requirements:

  • Video: To apply, you need to submit a video of approximately 10 minutes showcasing work at the barre. The video should demonstrate the basic techniques and skills required for participation in our company.
  • Training Participation: To be part of the company, it is required to attend Company Training at least once a week. This is important to maintain continuity and technical level in our productions.

Commitments and Contract Terms:

  • Annual Contract: An annual contract is required for training with the company. However, attending BalletBoutique School is not mandatory. Participants may also join specific performances or projects within the company.
  • Performances: The company performs at least twice a year. Regular attendance at training and rehearsals is necessary to ensure that all dancers are well-prepared and ready for performance.
  • Collaboration with Renowned Choreographers: Our dancers have the unique opportunity to work with highly esteemed and renowned choreographers. This collaboration allows our members to learn from the best professionals in the industry and participate in innovative and challenging projects.

Application Process:

  • Year-Round Applications: Applications are reviewed year-round, and entry is individually coordinated. We recommend applying early to have the best chance of securing a place in our company.

We look forward to discovering new talents and potentially working with you on exciting projects and productions!

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